Letzte Aktualisierung: 27.08.2018

Already in times of the hansa Region Rostock orientated to the Baltic Sea region. Rostock developed to a turntable of the North-East, benefitting from the perfect location of the city (see map “The Region of Rostock at the Baltic Sea”) and its modern infrastructure. Rostock is located in the intersection of economic centres, such as the metropolises Hamburg, Copenhagen/ Malmö, Szczecin and Berlin. Moreover the region has one of the most modern ferry ports of the Baltic Sea.
Today nine countries maintain honorary consulates in the traditionally hanseatic city of Rostock. Moreover the region is represented in a numerous of city partnerships within Europe, the USA and China.
Region Rostock is located centrally in Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania, nestled into the other planning regions of the federal state. The following map shows the maritime region through its 70- km- long coastal line and its numerous inland waters, which have their origin in the ice age.