Letzte Aktualisierung: 03.11.2020

Regiopolis Rostock

Regiopolis – definition

The literal blending of regio and polis (the Greek term for city) creates the term Regiopolis, thus combining two concepts which, though they could be seen as contradict to some, can undoubtedly complement and enhance each other. At the moment, 33 German cities have been categorized as potential regiopolises, eigth of whom collaborate in a network.
The regiopolis region creates an integrated and interconnected space: One free of political, geographical, and administrative borders and characterised by close ties and mutually beneficial cooperation. Due to their location outside of metropolitan regions regiopolises have a significant degree of independence as central places.
Some of them assume metropolitan functions for their respective functional interconnected space. Most important: All of them are important engines for regional development. Because of their smaller size, they cannot reach the status as a metropolis, therefore regiopolises can be characterized as the “smaller sister” of the metropolises. Analogously to the metropolis region, the region surrounding a regiopolis is called regiopolis region.

Further information to identify potential regiopolises are to be found here > www.regiopole.de.

The Rostock regiopolis region

Its spatial extent is not measured by reference to the administrative boarders, but by the everyday reality and the action scope of its residents. Hence the regiopolis region is also a part of the area of the Planning Association Rostock which includes the hanseatic city as well as the administrative district, but its scope can be seen even bigger until Denmark. The Rostock regiopolis region pursues the following two aims:

  • On the one hand the intra-regional collaboration is supposed to be strengthened. The ongoing process includes conferences and one-on-one conversations with regional mayors to get to know their ideas about the regiopolis region. The first municipalities have already confessed to the decision of the council in favor of the regiopolis region. The variety of actions is combined in an action plan.
  • On the other hand an improvement of the inter-regional awareness of the Rostock regiopolis region is intended within Germany and Europe. The term regiopolis is supposed to be associated with an innovative growing area which is established besides the term of metropolises. Furthermore the term shall become an own category within formal regional development.
    A step forward is the solidarity with other potential regiopolises, which is carried through a working network on the level of the federal republic.

The planning association supports the initiative with financial and human resources as well as equipment. The office is situated within the office of the Planning Association.

More material is available for download under > www.regiopole.de and > www.regiopolregion-rostock.de/en.


These tasks are perceived by the Rostock regiopolis region initiative, which includes the administrative district Rostock, the hanseatic city of Rostock, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Rostock, the Region Rostock Marketing Initiative e.V., the cities of Bad Doberan, Güstrow, Teterow and Ribnitz-Dammgarten as well as the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the Planning Association Region Rostock.

Mike Große-Schütte:       0381 – 331 89 451   mike.grosse-schuette@afrlrr.mv-regierung.de
Anne Weber:                     0381 – 331 89 451   anne.weber@afrlrr.mv-regierung.de